Study Smarter with the Right Gear.
Ergo Air TTL Loupes - 3rd Gen - Student Offer
Ergo Air TTL Loupes - 4th Gen - Student Offer
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airLUX Headlight Package - Student Offer
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Hi, I’m Jackson, a D4 at the Dental College of Georgia.
I want to share with you a few benefits of choosing LumaDent.
Benefits of Headlights:
Using a headlight in dental practice has been a game-changer, especially for students like me. The light moves with your line of sight, eliminating the need to constantly adjust the overhead light. Overhead lights can't always be positioned exactly where you need them, making procedures challenging. I learned the hard way how essential a good headlight is when my mount broke, and I had to borrow one from a classmate. I can't work without it. LumaDent's light has a convenient toggle on the side of the loupe frames, easily accessed with your wrist without contaminating your gloves. Highly recommend!
Benefits of Using Loupes:
Loupes are crucial for dental practice. They magnify details in the mouth and, when paired with a headlight attachment, make everything bright and clear. I use my loupes for all my dental work and head and neck cancer screenings. A mishap where my loupes got jammed in my locker highlighted how difficult it is to practice without them. LumaDent's ergonomic loupes have been a lifesaver, reducing my neck pain and allowing me to practice comfortably. They’re essential for a long, healthy career in dentistry.
Benefits of Specific Magnifications:
Starting dental school, I had loupes with 3.0x magnification, perfect for Operative Dentistry and Waxing. However, in my second year during Fixed Prosthodontics, I struggled with rough and uneven margins. Upgrading to LumaDent's 5.0x magnification loupes was a game-changer. They offer detailed views of the tooth and the entire arch, rare for higher magnifications. For dental students, I recommend ergonomic loupes with at least 3.5x magnification and an extra pair with higher magnification as backup closer to graduation. No loupes = no practicing dentistry.
Explore the benefits and find your ideal magnification with LumaDent's online Loupe Builder.